Jacqueline Broy

The 23rd Psalm – the JBB Version

After studying the 23rd Psalm, this is my version in prayer. Dear Lord, My Shepherd, Because of You, I lack nothing. Your Word satisfies my hunger and thirst. I rest in Your presence. My strength is renewed to follow You on this chosen path to bring glory to Your name. Because of You, fear has […]

Living The Days of May

Dear Lord,  You gave me the strength and energy to live through the days of May. The Mother’s Day and birthday well-wishes I received, and the birthday greetings I sent. The good news, the sad news, and the unexpected sobering news I heard. The dental visit to remove a wisdom tooth, and to the eye […]

Spring is Coming!

Dear Lord, Spring is coming. I see and hear it strolling into my world. Tree buds color the branches swaying in the wind. The oldie-but-goodie bird songs play in the air. Evening light stretches longer each day. And I fuss about Daylight Savings Time again. But spring is coming and brings the chaos of transitions. […]