Frantic barking from the living room jolted us awake at three-ish in the morning. Andy, our mini-Labradoodle alerted us to an enemy on the property. The neighborhood fox was traveling his usual route across the front lawn passing Andy’s lookout post.
When he is laying on his cot scanning the view outside the large, living room window day or night, Andy is the D.O.D.–Dog On Duty or the Department of Defense. God has his Department of Defense–his angels–working on our behalf protecting us from dangers seen and unseen.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways (Psalm 91:11 NIV).
Tragic circumstances may happen in our lives, but how many times did God’s angels protect us from harmful situations? Only He knows.
Let’s thank God for holding true to his promise to guard, defend and protect us according to his Word.
Have you had a situation where you believe angels protected you? Share your story and thank you for joining the conversation.
I’ve had numerous experiences over the years in which I believe angels protected me. Most of these occurred while I was driving. The most recent involved a driver who ran a stop sign at full speed into my path. Under natural circumstances, the driver would have T-boned me in the worse way. However, we’re talking about the supernatural power of God’s protective and ministering servants, His angels who miraculously projected and protected both me and my vehicle. I caught a fleeting glimpse of the horrified face of the other driver who was probably attempting to not only realize his failure to stop but also to process what just happened. Ain’t God good!!! WOW!!! Thank You LORD!!!
Amen!!! Thank you for sharing that WOW event. I truly believe angels protected us from an electrical fire in the RV as we were driving out west years ago. We were covered by the prayers of the saints and the angel protection.
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear God and delivers them. One of the many times of rescue happened on 695 traveling to New Jersey, when a 4×4 plank of wood came flying off the back of a pickup truck. It was headed straight toward our front windshield and we couldn’t avoid it by stopping or switching lanes because of traffic. I screamed out Jesus and the wood fell to the road and bounced off the front bumper to the side of the road.
Yes, just one of the numerous times of angelic protection.
Thanking God for his angelic protection as we travel the highways and byways.