Jacqueline Broy

All my old frames

In May, I shared about my appointment with an ophthalmologist to examine my cataracts and discuss the surgery. I had two options for the kind of lens to be implanted—either a fixed IOL (intraocular lens) or a LAL (Light Adjustable Lens). I decided to get the LAL, and that surgery was done near the end of June. 

Why did I choose the LAL over the IOL? The IOL has a fixed range of vision whether you choose to get lens for distance or near vision. Once implanted, the vision cannot be changed, and glasses are needed to compensate for the weaker vision. For example, you can see distance without glasses, but you need them for reading. With LAL, the ophthalmologist can tweak the implanted lens over a series of sessions with UV light to get the best possible vision. It won’t be 20/20 but it will be as close as possible. This means you could have good distance and mid-range vision but still need glasses for close work or reading.

How am I doing?  Overall, very well since the surgery three weeks ago. The post-op visits showed good eye health. All restrictions have been lifted to include driving, but I must continue to wear UV-protection sunglasses outside. Watching TV without glasses is still a marvel to me but my near vision needs help. I borrowed a pair of my hubby’s 1.50 readers to type this blog post, and for any close work or reading.

Beginning July 19th, I will start the vision-tweaking process. By the time the end of August rolls around, I might be finished this New Vision journey. Join me then. 

Share your thoughts, comments or questions.

God bless and may you clearly see the roads ahead of you and your dreams for the future.

10 Responses

  1. This is remarkable!! The gifts God gives through the hands of surgeons are truly marvelous. Thank you for sharing your journey!

  2. Hello Jackie, I’m so glad your surgery went well and that you posted this information. I’m looking into adjustments without having to wear bifocals or carry both distance and reading glasses. This information was very informative. I pray all is well and I miss seeing your beautiful face. Take care!

    1. Hi Wanda. Glad that you found the My New Vision Journey blog helpful and that it was informative. Let me know what you decide when the time comes. Good to hear from you.

  3. Hey JB! June and July have been such busy months for us both. I’m delighted that your eye surgery procedure went well and that you’ve started the “tweaking” process. I “look” forward to seeing you soon…no pun intended. Continued progress, blessings, and love!

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