But above all pursue his kingdom and righteousness…
Matthew 6:33 NET
We forgot the frying pan on the picnic table next to our RV after dinner. Much later in the evening as I crocheted, I heard a sound…twice. Opening the door to investigate, I caught the gang in the act with their little paws deep in the pan. The raccoons had moved the heavy glass top to get to the nectar—leftover fried fish oil. They were as surprised to see me as I was to see what they had done to get what they wanted. So, what does this slice of RV camping life have to do with Holy Spirit? What did the Spirit show me through these greasy-pawed nighttime bandits?
The animals were willing to move an obstacle to get what they desired. They were determined to go after the oil. How desperate are we to go after what Holy Spirit has for us? Do we hunger to be in his presence to hear his direction and guidance through the Word of God? Do we want Holy Spirit to develop his fruit within us to mature our character? Do we want to be saturated with his oil to cultivate and boldly use his gifts to change lives?
It’s time to be determined to move any hinderance to get what Holy Spirit has for us. Let’s become overflowing, Spirit-filled vessels attracting people to God leaving a measure of love, grace and mercy in their hearts.
Love the story and analogy. Very insightful!
Sister Jacki I love reading your blogs. You have such a way of bringing God into our daily living by seeing the good you can draw out of everyday living, like gardening, traveling and you name it. Thanks!!!