Jacqueline Broy

My “Get Used To Different.” tee shirt. This statement is spoken by Jesus to his new disciples in multi-season show The Chosen, Season 1.

The journey is over.

It’s been a four-month process from the initial appointment confirming cataracts to the last session to lock in the final adjustment for my vision with the light adjustable lens.

What is the big takeaway from this experience? Get used to different.

Because I have monovision, my right eye sees long distance clearly. The left eye sees mid-range so most of my day is spent without wearing glasses. But I did get prescription glasses for driving to correct the left eye for distance and sharpness.

What else is different?

I have readers everywhere….by my bed, in the bathroom, at the dining room table. Everywhere I sit to read or do close work. This is not a complaint. I went shopping online scrolling through a wide array of colors and styles to select a multi-colored 5-pack set and a 3-pack of bifocal sunglasses with a combination clear and 1.50 lens. Since I love color, and these readers are so inexpensive, I bought the 0.00 (clear) version to compliment outfits. I’m looking forward to wearing the half brown, half leopard print glasses.

Was this new vision journey with the light adjustable lens in my eyes worth the time, effort and expense?

Yes. There were some frustrations, setbacks and delays along the way. But whenever I see tree leaves clearly, watch TV or walk the dog without glasses, it was worth the long journey.

I’m getting used to seeing differently and thanking God for it all.

4 Responses

  1. Prayer and patience, that was Mom’s repeated reminder to me. I am glad you found solutions, despite the setbacks. As a person with 4 pairs of glasses (including readers for when I wear my contacts), I get the plethora of glasses around you. Hugs and love to you! Melis

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