Jacqueline Broy

In the fall, my church teammates and I decided to have a mini-Bible study as part of our team meetings. Psalm 1 was selected. In October, I shared my version of the first three verses. This month we concluded our study by sharing our thoughts about the entire psalm. Mine turned into a prayer. I hope it will be a blessing to you as to walk into a new year.

My Dear Reader,

I pray that you will plant yourself securely in the good ground of the Word of God to keep moving forward producing good fruit and prospering in all that you do.

Even during times of dormancy, for all living things need to rest and replenish, know that your roots are healthy because they are deep in the soil of the Word.

Remember this about the wicked: they produce nothing of nutritional value to bless others.

But not so for the righteous!

They are kept in the hands of the Master Gardener forever.


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