Jacqueline Broy

There are a few verses in the Bible I have memorized, but this one is engraved on my heart. So much is packed into these first three verses. They are guideposts to keep me on the right road, and a light when I go through dark times. Light and lifelines. Below is my version of these verses, but I challenge you to get a Bible, read this psalm, and write your own version. Share what you discovered.

Psalm 1: 1-3 (JBB Version)

Fortunate, prosperous and favored by God are those who discard unrighteous advice, who won’t hang around bad actors or keep company with the arrogant and prideful.

They take pleasure in hunting and digging for treasure in God’s Word for insight during the good and the troubling days to keep moving forward.

They stand like sturdy oak trees transplanted beside clear rivers bearing fruit in every season of life and in God’s timing. Their green leaves are evidence of a healthy life.

All this results in a stable life with uninterrupted prosperity. Amen.

Father God, When I look to You and Your Word for counsel, direction and revelation, my life will be a stable and prosperous one. My life is built on the Rock, the Solid Foundation…Jesus. Amen

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